How to manually download ideaIC sdk in gradle build task?
Unfortunately, since I have a very slow network, when I build an intellij-plugin for the first time, it takes me hours to download the ideaIC sdk (e.g. in following picture, the, and the download fails easily T_T. But using chrome, I can download it a lot easier (In fact I've already downloaded it this way) , so is there any way to help me:
during "./gradlew build", do not download that zip, but use my local downloaded one.
Do I need to modify my build.gradle script? I've tried somehow, but not worked.
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Xiarui Xr, it is possible to use the manually downloaded archive – you'll need to put it into the proper location:
That should do the job.
Thank you so much for your intimate reply, I've tried it and it works properly! That saves me so much time!