How to get the intellij version?
I would like to automatize plugins installation from command line,chef,puppet,ansible
So for this I need to grab plugins archive from
But to get a plugins archive I need to know what is the intellij version link to a given build
Example with scala-plugins:
archive are in and for the intellij build number 163.4396—164 it's the version 2016.3.4
So the url to download it is:
The problem: MyBalanceNow
I can get build number by reading content of $INTELLIJ_HOME/build.txt
But how to know to which version this build number map ?
Thanks for your help
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>But how to know to which version this build number map ?
Can you clarify? Do you mean find the IDE compatible build for a certain plugin version?
Is there any command[bash script] for checking whether IntelliJ is present in your system or not?
I am trying to build a bash script that contains IntelliJ installation too.
I want to put a check whether IntelliJ is present or not. If yes, it will not install the Intellij, and if no, it will install the IntelliJ and go plugins.