Documentation about JetBrains/rd (LifetimeDefinition, IPropertyView, etc)



I noticed some plugin using `rd` (Reactive Distributed) types. However I wasn't able to find any proper documentation. From what I think I understood from the project some of the Kotlin types are generated from C#, right ?

While I can somewhat navigate this repository, it would be awesome if there was some kind of document explaining how to use, and documenting misuse.

Thank you in advance



We currently do not have high-level documentation available.

Please see

What do you want to use? And where?


Yann Cebron I am developing a plugin with the CEF view, this plugin needs to communicate via messages to the javascript app that runs in the JCEF window.

Currently I have something that works using `IPropertyView.advise(lifetime)`, and simply `IProperty.set`. I understand and see it in action that the advise handler is called when the set method is called

Yet I noticed IJ proposes different obscure variation of the `advise` methods (Until, eternal, WithPrev, etc). There is also I noticed the `view` method. Outside what I can find in the source repository. I'd like to confirm what these do or implies.


Currently I would like block the code until a value has been set to a correct value.

dipose() {
// js app receives the message and send back something via cefQuery
// Cef message router handler get the message from the JS app, sets value in IProperty
propView.xxxxx { v -> v == "something" } // <= blocks
// proceed to other cleanup and termination only after propView has been set.

From what I have seen it seems `adviseUntil` is appropriate.




Actually no, `adviseUntil` is not what I'm looking for.


There are also other interesting methods like `debounce`, I understand their meaning, but understanding their implication in regard of the rd library could be useful.


Unfortunately, there're no tools for blocking wait for property value. You might want to try using Kotlin Coroutines/kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred. Or "plain" JCEF/JS


Actually I found what I was looking for via IntelliJ's `org.jetbrains.concurrency` package, as it gives me more flexibility on blocking or using promises. In particular :


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