CLion 2021.1.3: "Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart CLion" with large makefile project
I'm getting this error after importing a large makefile project (the linux kernel), which results in CLion having to re-import the project every time the project is opened. Any tips for solving this?
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Been getting this with 2021.1.2 as well, but in my case it's due to having put the *.xml files in the .idea subdirectory into perforce. While clion knows to check out my source files when I start editing them, it apparently doesn't know about checking out it's own settings files.
@enndub maybe it's related to Please install CLion 2021.2 RC and check whether the issue happens in it.
Anna Falevskaya I am also getting this error and installing Clion 2021.2 RC did not fix it for me. Not sure if it is relevant but I have my .idea directory in my .gitignore
Dusklight please do
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