Intellij regularely freeze


Hi, I face constant Freeze with Intellij IDEA ultimate, I have no idea why.

I use Intellij to developp a web application with spring boot and react.js. I have 11 different modules, spring boot applications that run as services. And also an react UI that runs with npm, that ui is auto refresh each time I update my code.

I made a memory snapshot I uploaded the file on Jetbrains upload the id is :

Upload id: 2021_07_31_6LUJJQg1WSTvWQQG (file:

Could you help me debugging this ?



Memory snapshots are better for RAM-related problems. 

In case of freezes, it is better to investigate it based on the Thread dumps, logs and CPU snapshots. 

May you quit IntelliJ IDEA, clean logs folder, reproduce the issue and share the newly generated logs compressed after that?



to reproduce the problem it can be complicated because it happens "randomly" it can be ok a whole day and somedays a the end of the day it starts freezing. But into  the log folder I have a lot of folder called threadDumps-freeze-*** for the past four days. I uploaded the whol log folder the id is Upload id: 2021_08_02_DhWfYYvkvE3tEmgh (file: log.rar).




Please see .

The issue seems to be caused by a lot of console output that is not truncated.

Did you increase the console buffer at Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | General | Console | Override console cycle buffer size (1024 KB)?
Does it help if you reset it to the default value?



I increased the buffer size to 4096KB because sometimes with a large amount of logs, the information I need was truncated.

I could reset to the old value to test, but as far as I remember the issue already happened before.






Thread dumps from the logs folder are related to long console output. 

In case the issue persists after resetting the value, please share logs one more time once the issue is reproduced. 


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