After plugin update I get "invalid flag: --release"


After IntelliJ updated som plugins I get this error when building using maven (Java 11):

"invalid flag: --release"

I've tried to fix it by unchecking 

"Use '--release' option for cross-compiulation (Java 9 and later)

This didn't help. Any idea what has gone wrong with IntelliJ ?



IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-212.4746.92, built on July 27, 2021
Licensed to Altran Sverige AB / Niklas Modin
Subscription is active until November 13, 2021.
Runtime version: 11.0.11+9-b1504.13 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10 10.0
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1981M
Cores: 8

Kotlin: 212-1.5.10-release-IJ4746.92



What is the source/target language level used for this project and its modules?

Please provide a project sample and the IDE logs for the investigation. (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data)

The files can be uploaded at (do not forget to specify the UploadID)


They are all set to 11, so that doesn't seem to be the problem. I checked both Compiler Settings and Language Levels on all Modules under Project Structure

This just started happening today after there were some updates happening.

Upload ID: 2021_08_04_XFn9xN8CnvMEi2uU


Does this problem occur if you build a project with Maven from the command line outside the IDE?


No everything works fine when building from command prompt so I can work around it for now.



In logs I see exception from issue. Could you please try downloading and enabling the Java EE: Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) plugin and re-import Maven project?

If issue remains - what JDK do you have set for project and each module?

Do you have any specific java compiler plugin configuration in Maven?


Installed the JavaEE EJB plugin but that didn't help.

I then checked the JDK for both project and modules, and they were all set to JDK 11. 
This is also what I have specified in my root pom (<release>11</release).

I then found that as I had renamed a module, I ended up with to .iml files in one place, so I dropped
dropped the whole .idea folder and all .iml files I found including the root, restarted and let IntelliJ re-index
everything and that seems to have done the trick! :)

Would have been good to know the exact cause though, but I'm a happy camper again.
Thanks for the support! 


For me, the problem cleared once I set my environment variable JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME_8% (Note: JAVA_HOME_8 and JAVA_HOME_11 are variable I created env variables that I've created myself to point to their respective versions)


Incorrect environment variable turned out to be the issue for me too - this was pointing to the path of an old version of the JDK (I think which was set by Visual Studio) - updated to the path of the latest JDK that I had installed and problem solved


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