Is there any way to speed up uploading?

It may take hours to upload a big project to a Linux server for the first sync. Any way to speed up this?   

E.g. Package / Compress the file before uploading, and then unzip the files on server.

1 comment

Hi there,

E.g. Package / Compress the file before uploading, and then unzip the files on server.

Nope. There is a ticket for this .. but it's in backlog and it's pretty unlikely that it will be implemented: You will have to do such zip, upload and unzip on target machine yourself.

If you have a lot of files to deploy: better use a more suitable tool for that, e.g. Rsync or alike (Rsync ticket:

There were some recent speed ups done (like multiple upload threads/connections:, but I have no idea how much difference they will make (I'm doing limited uploading and wait 1..1.5 mins to upload 50 files over FTP is OK here)


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