Cannot find builtin plugin
Cannot find builtin plugin JavaScript and TypeScript(JavaScriptLangauge ) for IDE: D:\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\com.jetbrains.intellij.idea\ideaIU\2021.2.1\382c0b089ef214062b04298f4537997f79fc6090\ideaIU-2021.2.1
Directory ..plugins/JavaScriptLangauge was existed
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Please make sure you are using latest gradle-intellij-plugin version.
Please switch to use plugin IDs instead, using directory names is deprecated.
The plugin id "JavaScript" is not working yet.
Please show/link your full Gradle build file
build.gradle.kts · zxy/wechat-miniprogram-plugin - 码云 - 开源中国 (
You're using version 1.0.0 which does not work fully when building against latest IDE version, please always upgrade to latest version of Gradle plugin (1.1.4).
I upgrade to 1.1.4 that not working yet.
Cannot find builtin plugin 'JavaScript' for IDE
Please try to minimize problem by reducing to single plugin first
Then, add all other dependencies again one by one and also switch to use IDs (org.jetbrains.plugins.less,org.jetbrains.plugins.stylus,org.jetbrains.plugins.sass,com.intellij.css)
Failed. Only build successed when plugins was empty.
Please try reimporting/refreshing the Gradle project from tool window.
It seems the problems are caused by the provided Known issue will be fixed in next release
until then, please switch to Gradle 7 (faster and better anyway), replace with this
PS: please fix this
Thank you! I switched to gradle 7.2. It have the same problem.
It works for me using Gradle 7.2. Please make sure to regenerate Gradle wrapper, try refreshing Gradle project.
Please try shutdown IDE, removing all contents below
- .gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jetbrains.intellij.idea/ideaIU
- .gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jetbrains.intellij.idea/
directories and reimport Gradle project to force redownload of IDE platform artifacts.
Thank you! I got it.