how to git push avoid of push dialog
when I run push action, a dialog appears. I have to click push again.
Any method to push directly?
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Hello Alan He
You can disable Push dialog under Preferences | Version Control | Git -> disable "Show push dialog for Commit and Push"
@Ruslan Kuleshov
Can you have a try?
It not works.
It appears no matter it is checked.
UV Wildner Try File | New Project Setup | Preferences for new projects
thanks that i never saw before :)
Alan He
I am sorry for not being clear.
You can use "Commit and Push" instead of "Push" action.
There is no option to disable push dialog when you are using "Push" action
it works. I understand.
Preferences | Version Control | Git -> disable "Show push dialog for Commit and Push"
only work when I using "Commit and Push"
I have to set this again and again for every project I open.
Why is it not remembering what i want?
I am working in a large project in Devops and have to handle tens of repos.
and I am getting tired of repeating this setting over and over and over and over and over.....
why is this not kept in a global setting?