Rider 10312 False errors with Unreal Engine 5 but still compile
I have 10312 errors in 1261 files in Rider, but all work.
The error type look like
The type XXXXXXX is defined in an assembly that is not referenced.
You must add a reference to assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, .....
I am not sure what I can do for fix that, I already refresh the project in Unreal Engine. I found a git forum where they talk about a JSON conf file, but I prefer ask before.
Thanks for your time !
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Same issue. Can someone please check this?
Have same exact issue here, am I missing something?
Thank you for contacting Rider support.
Apologies for not responding earlier.
Over the past couple of updates we have significantly improved how Rider detects/works with build tools in Unreal projects, which caused this issue.
I suggest trying the latest version of Rider 2022.1.2. You should not encounter this issue again.
If the issue persists, would you mind sharing the additional information with us as described below:
Have a nice day!
Hi there,
I have the same issue after upgrading my project from unreal engine 5.0 to 5.1. I use rider 2022.2.4. I've uploaded my logs under:
Upload id: 2023_02_18_SeoaJFXX4vnyvtJMMw5U8q (file: rider-logs-20230218-1722132571157257930983861.zip)
I tried it on the latest rider version and there I don't have the issue. I don't want to upgrade rider though because I only have a perpetual license for the 2022.2 version.
I don't really know how to fix this issue.
Hi c0nscience,
It looks like Rider had caching issues after the engine update. Would you mind trying cache invalidation (File | Invalidate Caches) and letting us know if the issue persists?
Hi Kirill Filin,
thanks for getting back to me. Sadly invalidating caches does not solve the issue. Still 16922 errors in 1626 files.
c0nscience Would you mind checking .NET CLI executable path and MSBuild version in Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolset and Build? Rider 2022.2 might have issues autodetecting appropriate toolset for UE 5.1, Rider 2022.3 is fully aware of UE 5.1.
You can open Rider 2022.3 or 2023.1 EAP, copy path via Copy path to clipboard and set it as custom path in Rider 2022.2. Please let me know if it helps.
thanks Kirill Filin I've checked the path, but in both, 2022.2.4 and 2022.3.2, the path to the `.NET CLI executable path` under `Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolset and Build | Toolset` was empty. The MSBuild version on the other hand is in both versions 17.0 from visual studio. Everything is the same on this screen except in 2022.3.2 is a new section `Platform-Specific Toolsets` where another .NET CLI executable path for x86 is pointing to a dotnet folder.
I naively tried this in the upper entry on version 2022.2.4, but still no effect. Also after invalidating the cache again.
Note: Now I can also not reset the path in version 2022.2.4 of the .Net CLI executable. Don't think that it hurts, but wanted to mention it.
Kirill Filin you were right! I fixed it. I by chance opened the project on my laptop and did not have all the errors shown in the c-sharp files. I matched the settings on my desktop and it works. You were right that on my desktop the build environment was not properly detected. First apparently the MSBuild version looked alright, after double checking it turned out that on my desktop it did not use the 'amd64' version and I also needed to manually set the 'dotnet' path under the .NET CLI executable path entry. Which I did before but it seems only both in conjunction are working.
Thanks for looking into it :)