Debugger finished with the exit code 127
I'm trying to run debugger on my code but it results in Debugger finished with the exit code 127.
My Environment:
- Parallels Desktop (Ubuntu 20.0.4 arm64)
- go 1.16.9
- Goland IDE 2021.2.3
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Thank you. Debugger fails to start because 2021.2.3 doesn't bundle delve for arm. You can either install 2021.3 EAP or build delve for arm and replace the bundled one as described here: (except the bundled delve is located at /home/parallels/GoLand/plugins/go/lib/dlv). Let me know if it helps.
Please reproduce the problem with additional logging. To do that:
- add `#com.goide.dlv.DlvVm` in `Help | Debug Log Settings...`
- restart the IDE
- reproduce the problem
- provide IDE logs via the `Help | Collect logs and show in <file browser>` action
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Dmitry, thanks a lot! Replacing of dlv solved the problem.