Integrated Rubocop warns of 'unknown cop' for Rspec, but the cop seems correct to me.
Rubocop shows this warning:
But this cop is defined in rubocop-rspec:
Which is mentioned at the top of .rubocop.yml:
# head .rubocop.yml
- rubocop-rails
- rubocop-rspec
DisplayCopNames: true
TargetRailsVersion: 4.2
TargetRubyVersion: 2.7.4
NewCops: enable
And the gem is available to the project SDK:
So why doesn't RubyMine know about?
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Hello Austin,
just to be sure, how does it go if you run RuboCop manually in the terminal?
Hi Olga, here is the output of running rubocop from the terminal with and without 'bundle':
Hello Austin,
sorry for not getting back to you sooner. It'd be interesting to take a look at your idea.log (Help - Show log in), lines where RuboCop is called.
Could you please add the following lines to Help | Diagnostic Tools | Debug Log Settings, then restart RubyMine, reproduce the problem (call RuboCop from the IDE) and attach idea.log (Help | Show log in):
If you want, you can send it to