Undesired unfolding after each save

Hello, working with vue project, each time i save any .js file - any parts i have folded got unfolded, i also lose custom folding regions I have defined. What is happening and how to stop it? I suspect it is something to do with ESLint. Thank you! 

the issue is tracked at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-54228, please follow it for updates

uncheck 'Reformat code' and check 'Run prettier' in actions on save.
this solved my problem.


Do you have any "on save" actions configured? Please check Settings | Tools | Actions on Save


Removing to run Prettier on save has solved the issue. However, prettier is not being run now and the solution is only half satisfactory :/


Any ideas what might cause Prettier processing on SAVE to lose folding?


in this case the file is modified by external process, it's not clear how to preserve the folding state in such case


I have the same issue with prettier. And it is really annoying!

Ideas for your devs (guess they came up with these by themselfs):

  • I could think of a "state" for every collapsable area. PHPStorm saves the state before prettier and restores it afterwards.
  • Let PHPStorm (not prettier) do the formatting und just take the prettier format styles into account.

Jihoo94 Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been annoyed by this since switching to WS a year ago. (I actually just changed the "Reformat Code" to "Only Changed", and it still worked)


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