Need a documentation/tutorial/examples of implementing a custom debugger


Folks, I know the the Debugger part of the Plugin SDK documentation says "Coming soon" but how soon is it? :) I really need some help and guidance on how to implement a custom debugger. Surely I can reverse engineer some examples and existing plugins but they are all different and I'm not 100% sure I'm doing the right thing. I'm wondering if there's any beta version of the documentation that I can take a sneak peek at.


There is no WIP documentation available, either. Please ask your specific questions here, so we can guide you.


Thanks, I guess I was just looking for a general guidance. I made some good progress though, I have a somewhat working debugger implementation, but I was wondering if there's a prescribed way to do it :)



One general suggestion would be to examine existing 3rd party plugins usages of relevant Extension Points - via IntellIJ Platform Explorer ( The bundled debugger implementations of IntelliJ IDEA are usually way more complex (especially Java) and might be hard to understand.


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