idea build console display Chinese in garbled code
Double click on gradle build:
Terminal gradle build:
I tried to add the following but it didn’t work,Idea version 2021.3
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There is known issue if Chineese locale is set on Windows: Please vote and follow it for updates.
Please try also changing the font in Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Editor | Font | Font to some font which supports Chinese glyphs.
and set the
in IDE .vmoptions file.
Andrey Dernov I don’t want to modify the font because I think the default font is more comfortable. Should I modify the Fallback font?
Fallback font is used for Editor mainly and not all components may use it as it is curretnly the case with the terminal:
IDEA-228458 Embedded Terminal doesn't use Console Fallback font.
hi, if the problem is solved?
According to the YouTrack Issue the problem seems to be resolved in IDEA 2022.2.3.
Are you still experiencing this issue?
If you do, please make sure you have the latest version of IDEA installed.