Skip mod-file scanning
I download additional GOPATH to project's directory for debug CI scripts.
export GOPATH="$(pwd)/.cache"
go mod download
Sometime Goland runs scanning for go.mod files in project and fails.
GOROOT=/usr/local/go #gosetup
GOPATH=/home/scherkesov/golang #gosetup
/usr/local/go/bin/go list -modfile=/home/scherkesov/golang/src/ -m -json -mod=mod all #gosetup
go: (replaced by ../sdk): reading ../sdk/go.mod: open /home/scherkesov/golang/src/ no such file or directory
Can I automatically create file (maybe .idea-go-mod-skip, etc) and specify "./.cache" as excluded?
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You can exclude /.cache directory from the IDE indexing by right-clicking on it and selecting Mark Directory as Excluded.
I mean I'm looking for ability to share this "exclusion rule" with source code between another team-mates.
You can add .idea directory to Git, especially projectName.iml file which contains the following entries: