Webstorm 2021.2.4 not retaining settings


MacOS Mojave, WS 2021.2.4

When I updated from 2021.2.3 to 2021.2.4, my projects display a warning that WS can't find executables in my PATH (can't find npm, for example). Also, WS apparently can't find many of my settings -- my default browser, ESLint settings, are reset. When I change them, WS reverts them next time I open it.

Downgrading to 2021.2.3 solves all of these issues.



Both versions share the same configuration folder, so all IDE-wide settings should be there

ESLint settings are per-project and thus stored with a project, in .idea folder, and shouldn't normally be affected by the update

>my projects display a warning that WS can't find executables in my PATH (can't find npm, for example)

Please could you elaborate on this? when do you see the warnings? do they persist if you start the IDE from terminal?


I'm not sure what happened, but it's not happening anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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