xdebug (again :(
Sorry for another xdebug related questions.
I'm trying to use it through ssh following the tutorial (https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/remote-debugging-via-ssh-tunnel.html#set-up-an-ssh-tunnel-to-the-remote-machine).
Everything seems to be set up, and I can actually see the traffic between PHPStorm and the server with tcpdump.
In the debug settings, everything is checked (things like "break on first line" and so on).
If I disabled with the phone icon, the traffic stops.
However, it doesn't break.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
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Hi there,
Start with enabling Xdebug log, then try to debug. The log will contain what file initiates the debug (the path). Could be that the path mapping is wrong...
Showing your Xdebug settings (both PhpStorm + xdebug_info() output) should also add some info into what you have got there.
Thanks for your answer.
Xdebug log starts with:
The mapping seems correct, but I don't see here on what PHPtorm makes the selection of the "server" configuration, where the mapping is made...
The xdebug config in PHPStorm is:
In the ini file:
What should I use in the "server" definition inside PHPStorm?
OK I found the problem... the "server" was set to 443 but as the webserver is actually behind a proxy, it should be set to 80...