Generating DDL for dbo schema on MSSQL
I am trying to generate a DDL for a MS SQL environment. The need for this DDL is to use it for version control as the databases are being worked on daily.
However I am running into an issue where all tables and views in the DDL are not present in their respective databases:
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Please press Ctrl+B on the objects under the anonymous db and show the content of that file, please also do the same for the object under the correct db. I'm curious why it works :)
The layout you've selected is not intended for multi-database dumps as you will have all the databases merged. I guess that is the thing you see, and all the databases except anonymous are empty.
The layouts are just script files hat tell where to put the objects.
So I've created as cript for your case:
You can put it here:
And it will be available as layout