How do I programatically configure JSON Schema Mappings in preferences .
I am developing a plugin that uses the JSON Schema Mappings (Preferences->Languages &Frameworks->Schemas & DTD's ->JSON Schema Mappings), inorder to avoid the user adding the mappings by themselves , I want to add via the plugin such that the intellij instance using my plugin automatically validates against the json schema without the user including it .
Is there any way to include the schemas through code ?
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The first two links do work for me, and the third example was moved and can be easily found here:
by searching for the class name: ThemeJsonSchemaProviderFactory
I have updated the link in the previous post.
Hi Karol ,
Thanks for the update .
Does the above also provides the solution to validate specific schemas for specific directories .
Yes, you can control schema availability in the provider, like in this example implementation:
Thanks , It works
All links are broken
Thanks. That was really fast response
Karol Lewandowski JsonSchemaProviderFactory based solution doesn't seem to work. do you have any other suggestions? I am trying to achieve the same thing as OP. I have a set of JSON Schema and I want to configure them against set of files using a custom plugin.
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Please take a look at JavaScript.JsonSchema.ProviderFactory extension point and JsonSchemaProviderFactory interface.
Also, see example implementations:
It will not add JSON schema in settings but will allow your files to use the provided schema for validation and completion.