Structure window



I have a rather annoying problem. I am currently working on scripts that have a lot of variables and functions. I'm mainly using the structure window to navigate in my code.

My script is organized with regions, so to get to where I want to go I collapse the whole window and then look for the region I want.

The problem is that as soon as I modify and/or create a function the structure window expands again and I have to do the same thing each time, collapse the window and go back to look for the function I want through all the methods.

Is there a way to block the structure window, so that it stops expanding when I change a function?

Thanks for your answer and sorry for my English.


What language are you working with? Do you have this option enabled:


Please try disabling it if you do.

Also, consider using File structure popup.


I work in C#.

Here is what I have as options:

When I open only the region I am interested in:

As soon as I modify a function, all the regions open in the structure window which often annoys me:


Hi Bertrand Mic,

I reproduced this behaviour and filed an issue: Please feel free to upvote.





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