Does Jetbrains offer LTS builds, or if not, what are the most stable builds?


Ever since 2018 I've found it very hard to come across stable Jetbrains IDE builds that don't have some sort of bug in them that lowers my productivity. Ignoring why this is so, I'd like to ask how I can make sure I download only the most tested and stable builds whilst still being able to update once per year. Ideally it should be builds that focus predominantly on bug fixes and not on new features. A lot of software vendors have LTS builds to focus on bug fixes instead of introducing new features (eg: Unity), my question is does Jetbrains?

Obviously the very minor version number "x", eg: 2021.3.x should be the highest as bugfixes are backported here. But what about "y" for the major version number, eg: 2021.y.x. Is y more stable for the last entry in the year (ie: less new features but more bugfixes) or does the y version make no difference in terms of version stability, but only the minor version "x"?

If I only want to update once per year (and am fine with using last years products), what would the ideal version number be every year in terms of "x" and "y" if stability/lack of bugs instead of new features is my primary concern? 



2021.3 is more stable as it mostly consists of bug fixes. 


Thanks @...

Does this apply to all Jetbrains IDEs?




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