IntelliJIDEA plugin: remote log viewer an analyzer

Dear all,
I am working on IntelliJIDEA plugin: remote log viewer an analyzer.
It allows you to download production logs from remote Elasticsearch(ELK) into your IDE. You can replace Kibana with this plugin to monitor your app and incidents right in your IDE and source code. Log lines are linked to your source code, so you can understand logs more easily.

search and filter logs by time, severity, message and another ES fields right in IDE
map every logline to source code, so you can jump to the line in your code that created the logging event
Git integration to see who has created particular log line
Advanced logs filtering by logline authorship
Advanced clustering of log lines based on classes, methods and log events
Exception and stacktrace clustering
Find most frequent log lines in source code

Is there anybody who would like test the plugin? Currently it is possible to use the plugin for java logs stored in Elasticsearch but it will be possible also for other languages and log sources(e.g. remote log files).

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