Angular schematics not working after updating to webstorm 2022.1
I updated to webstorm 2022.1 and then my angular schematics stopped working. I tried downgrading, but it didn't help. I was able to do it through the CLI though, so that's not the issue
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can you repeat the issue with a new Angular CLI project? Please share the idea.log (Help > Show Log in ... - don't paste it here, upload the file somewhere and provide a link)
Yes, I got it to repeat in a new project:
Nothing suspicious in the log. Can you still see this issue if you disable all downloaded plugins from
Settings | Plugins | gear icon in the right of the "Installed" Tab | Disable All Downloaded Plugins
and restart the IDE? Also, what Angular version do you use?Yes I disabled all plugins and I still see it. I was using 13.0.4, but just upgraded to 13.3.3 to check and I'm having the same issue
Please could you share a project the issue can be reproduced with? Also, please share a screenshot of the Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Node.js page
Elena Pogorelova thanks that did it. I installed zsh and it seems to have killed my node binary. I now reference it directly out of nvm and it is working again
Happened to me too (WebStorm 2022.2.3). Just go to Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Node.js and set the path to your Node Interpreter. Worked right away.
Boris Doucey thank you are right