Why are there no option `Safe Delete` for unused local var in `unused declaration` inspection
to unused method,there is option `Safe Delete`
but to unused local var,there is only one option
i need to click one by one to clean up unused local var,not like unused method could safe delete in batches
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which version of IDEA do you use? works fine for me on 2021.3.3 and 2022.1
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 (Ultimate Edition)
Could you please provide a code sample with which we can reproduce the issue? With just an unused List it works fine for me, so maybe there's smth else to take into account
It should have no realation to do with the code.ALL unused local var could not be safe deleted directly
we were able to reproduce the issue, you can follow it here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-293851