IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate License

Hi, I just recently redeemed a coupon for IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 1 year license., but I'm yet to activate the software. I thought the code can be redeemed for jetbrains academy but it was only for software license. Rebaid For Sellers

So if anyone needs the activation for reduced price, please hit me up.

1 comment

Dear Babak,

I am sorry that the coupon did not meet your expectation. Feel free to reach out to the source of the coupon and ask about an option to exchange it for a discount for JetBrains Academy. You can also email and ask for an opportunity to get a discount.

Please notice that selling your account, sharing your JetBrains account credentials, or selling an activation code to a JetBrains product violates the agreements you have accepted. It is qualified as copyright infringement and may cause legal consequences. Please do not sell anything mentioned above.


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