Replace startup tasks instead of creating new ones?
I configured several startup tasks. When I restart the IDE, the "old" startup tasks are still available in the terminal view and new startup tasks are created. Is there a way to replace the tasks instead of creating new ones? Currently I have to manually close all previous tasks to avoid getting a mess after a few days.
Any ideas?
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Can't reproduce this here. Could you please check that on 2022.2 EAP build?
What startup tasks exactly do you have?
I am using the current stable version 2022.1.2 and I have created some shell scripts (shell text) where I execute Laravel commands for e.g. (php artisan serve).
So, what exactly do you mean by "replace"?
Say you have a list of startup tasks at File | Settings | Tools | Startup Tasks. You can add, remove & edit run configurations there. Can't you simply remove unneeded configurations & add new ones?
No I am talking about the terminal view (Alt F12). Each of the startup tasks creates a new terminal instance. But when I restart the IDE, the old terminals will stay and new ones will be created every I have to close all "old" terminal instances manually. So my question is if there is a possibility that the open terminal instance will be replaced or is there a way to close all open terminal instances on exit for e.g.?
Ah, I see. You can add terminal.persistent.tabs=false in Help | Edit Custom Properties. That would disable the restoring of terminal tabs on a project reopening.
Side note: you can create PHP Script configurations instead:
That way there won't be any terminal windows opened, just "Run" windows.
Nice. The terminal.persistent.tabs=false property works perfect for me...Thank you very much for your help!