Showing plots in DataSpell debugger mode


When plotting with matplotlib in DataSpell in .py file (not an .ipynb file) - the plots are shown inside the console - which is very comfortable.

However, during debug mode - the plots are not shown at all - not in the debug console and not in the regular console.

This applies both to plots that are created through the debugged code, and plot that are created manually on the fly through the debugger console or through the evaluate window.

It creates a situation that whenever I wish to debug a code with plots - I go back to pycharm - do the debugging there, and then return to DataSpell...

Is there a solution to this problem?




Same problem for me.
Even when you are creating new plot from debugger console it does not output anything.


After doing some investigation, I learned that the console won't produce anything while generating a new plot foodle


Really annoying problem!


Any solution since the original post a year and a half ago?

Hello there,
This is a known DataSpell issue: 
Please vote for the related thread to increase the problem's relevance and receive updates regarding its status.

Currently, as a workaround, you can disable "Show plots in tool window" in Settings | Tools | Python Plots.

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