PHPStorm shift key doesn't work


I am using phpstorm and today I came across the fact that the shift key doesn't work.

For example, search everywhere shortcut is empty. When I try to assign it with shift, nothing happens. I have tried rebooting my computer, reinstalling phpstorm(without plugins) (2022.1, 2021.3.3, 2020.3.3) - nothing



This is normal that keymap does not have a key shortcut assigned on this option as "Shift+Shift" combo is hardcoded. Please check if you have the "Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Advanced Settings > Disable double modifier key shortcuts" option switched on:

Also, is there any chance that you have a SteelSeries keyboard/mouse with the vendor software package installed? 


Thank you for your reply.

If you have SteelSeries v.20, please try downgrading it to 19.*, that should do the trick as there is an issue with the recent SteelSeries version update:


Thanks for the answer!

"Disable double modifier key shortcuts" option switched off.  Yeah, I have installed SteelSeries program for keyboard(I used it only for RGB backlight), but until yesterday everything was working fine.

Do I need to reinstall SteelSeries? Sorry for my English.


Thanks a lot.
My steelSeries version is 16.0.0, but when I uninstaled it double shift started working again.


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