Disable code completion for Shell files?
I'm getting code completion in *.sh files and it's worse than useless; every recommendation is just wrong and gets in the way.
I tried disabling the included "Shell Script" plugin with no changes. I searched and browsed all through preferences and saw nothing about turning code completion off for just one language.
Is there a way to do this?
I can override the filetype and open it as a plain text file. That works but I lose color coding.
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Hi Samuel Neff There is this link on jetbrains for autocompletion which helped me so it will change what bash completion I enter. https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/auto-completing-code.html#postfix_completion
When it loads the graphic UI did you try these options ? Not sure there is a way for it to identify shell script, but you could probably play around with creating a script that if extension of the file is *.sh then disable completion?
Hi Samuel,
You can't do it per file type/language I'm afraid, but you can temporarily disable showing suggestions while working with .sh files.
To do it quickly, press Shift-Shift, type "show sug" and hit Enter.
When the settings dialog appears, clear the box that says "Show suggestions as you type":
This option is gone in the lates version of IDEA, in fact, the whole “Code Completion” disappeared under Editor > General.
Is it still possible to disable these suggestions?
Is there another solution to editing .sh files, without disabling the plugin? I'm facing exactly the same issue, and shell script highlighting is indeed useful, but suggestions are just hell.
I couldn't reproduce it in the latest IDE builds. Could you attach a screenshot from `Settings | Editor | General` ?
Try to delete the `disabled_plugins.txt` file from the configuration directory: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/directories-used-by-the-ide-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs.html#config-directory while the IDE is closed.
If it doesn't help, please reinstall from http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/index.html or via https://www.jetbrains.com/toolbox/app
IDE logs may also help to better understand your environment (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data)
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Ah, you're right and I'm wrong. However, somehow IDEA search doesn't pick up this option, neither in settings, nor in global search:

Indeed, search results could be improved. We have a related ticket in YouTrack . Please upvote/comment for IDEA-298440