TestNG XML File Creation For Each .Java File
Hello ,
eclipse is generating separate xml file for each .java file, why intellij idea not supporting this ?
example .
If have abc.java , xyz.java ................... xxx.java
then eclipse will generate individual xml file abc.xml , xyz.xml , ..........................xxx.xml
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Can you describe the exact flaw in Eclipse to generate different testng xmls?
Do you have java files in different modules, or do you generate separate xml files for separate test classes in one module?
What is your usage for different xml files?
You can refer to this guide regarding usage of TestNG in IDEA: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/creating-testng-test-classes.html
I have separate class files in one module. and i want to generate separate xml file for each class file
You can create a template file, see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-204610/Request-to-add-automatic-TestNGxml-file-creation-support#focus=Comments-27-3237193.0-0, or you can try to use plugin "Create TestNG XML" https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9556-create-testng-xml