Error while registering a task in toolWindow in Intellij IDEA 2022.2
I am trying to register a new task to ToolWindow. It works for version 2021, but it is throwing me below error IDEA version 2022.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: You must not register toolwindow programmatically so early. Rework code or use ToolWindowManager.invokeLater
at com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowManagerImpl.getToolWindowPaneIfInitialized(ToolWindowManagerImpl.kt:500)
at com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowManagerImpl.registerToolWindow(ToolWindowManagerImpl.kt:931)
This is the code:
toolWindow = ToolWindowManagerImpl(project!!)
val task = RegisterToolWindowTask("windowName", ToolWindowAnchor.BOTTOM,icon = PluginIcons.Icon)
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Hi Baraiya,
Did you try to solve it as the exception message says so by wrapping the registration code into ToolWindowManager.invokeLater()?
Also, do not create ToolWindowManager via instantiating ToolWindowManagerImpl. Use ToolWindowManager.getInstance(project).