Database plugin: in place datetime editor


Hi all,

Is there any way to disable the new date-time in-place editor and revert to the plain editing? This new editor is always prefilled with current date and time instead of the DB value, but even if it wasn't so, I need the old AND FAST keyboard editor, not this one that is mouse oriented. I need to edit directly the date-time values.

See the screenshot bellow.




My bad, I had a query that generated a read-only dataset and that made me think I cannot edit the cell via keyboard. It works perfectly by pressing F2 and then Esc. I would prefer to not have to press Esc, that is, to completely disable the picker, but it's no big deal. Thanks!



What do you mean by keyboard editor?

You can close datetime picker by clicking on the three dots, then start typing in a cell.


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