auto import is importing everything on the same line
When I use the auto import feature to paste a code snippet it is currently showing like this:
import { Authentication,AuthenticationParams } from "@/domain/usecases"; import { HttpPostClientSpy } from "@/data/test"; import { AccountModel } from "@/domain/models"; import { RemoteAuthentication } from "@/data/usecases/authentication/remote-authentication";
type SutTypes = {
sut: Authentication
httpPostClientSpy: HttpPostClientSpy<AuthenticationParams, AccountModel>
let url: string
const makeSut = (): SutTypes => {
const httpPostClientSpy = new HttpPostClientSpy<AuthenticationParams, AccountModel>()
const sut = new RemoteAuthentication(url, httpPostClientSpy)
return {
But I would like it to arrive like this:
import { Authentication, AuthenticationParams } from '@/domain/usecases'
import { HttpPostClientSpy } from '@/data/test'
import { AccountModel } from '@/domain/models'
import { RemoteAuthentication } from '@/data/usecases/authentication/remote-authentication'
type SutTypes = {
sut: Authentication
httpPostClientSpy: HttpPostClientSpy<AuthenticationParams, AccountModel>
let url: string
const makeSut = (): SutTypes => {
const httpPostClientSpy = new HttpPostClientSpy<AuthenticationParams, AccountModel>()
const sut = new RemoteAuthentication(url, httpPostClientSpy)
return {
How to solve this?
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does the issue only occurs on pasting code fragments? please share a screen recording of your steps