cant get LiveEdit to work

I installed the live edit plugin, and enabled it in the settings, but it just wont work, and Im not sure what I am doing wrong, anyone have any ideas that might help me?


Did you start the JavaScript Debug session? What files did you edit - Java script, CSS, HTML? Please could you share a screen recording of your steps?


Elena Pogorelova


Yes I do start the javascript debug session, I have just one file, app.js, does there need to he an html file for live edit to work?


Did you enable the Update Node.js application on change checkbox in Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Live Edit? With this option enabled the JS module code is hotswapped on changes. But note that hotswapped module isn't executed, so state of the application isn't updated, only application code is, so you won't see the changes instantly unless the changed code is executed on some event... Live Edit doesn't restart the application
If you like your server to be re-started each time the code changes changes, you can try using tools like nodemon


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