How to programmatically determine inspection results for a source file via plugin?


I would like to be able to get the inspection results for a group of source files from within my plugin. I have tried looking in many of the *Inspection*, *Inspections*, *Problem*, and *Result* classes that appeared related.
I have created an algorithm (see below), but it is heavy and it doesn't appear to work correctly.

What is the preferred way to get the inspection results for a group of source files? Filtering by inspection level/severity would be a bonus.

My initial object is a CompileContext.



    private static Optional<Navigatable> getInspectionError(
        final @NotNull CompileContext compileContext,
        final VirtualFile virtualFile)
        final Project project = compileContext.getProject();

        // Get PsiFile
        final PsiFile psiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(project).findFile(virtualFile);
        if (null == psiFile)
            return Optional.empty();

        // Get InspectionToolWrapper
        final ProjectInspectionProfileManager projectInspectionProfileManager =
            new ProjectInspectionProfileManager(project);
        final InspectionProfile inspectionProfile =
        final List<InspectionToolWrapper<?, ?>> toolWrappers =

        // Get GlobalInspectionContext
        final InspectionManager manager = InspectionManager.getInstance(project);
        final GlobalInspectionContext inspectionContext = manager.createNewGlobalContext();

        final Set<ProblemDescriptor> problemDescriptors = new HashSet<>();
        for (final InspectionToolWrapper<?, ?> toolWrapper : toolWrappers)
            if (!toolWrapper.getTool().isSuppressedFor(psiFile))
                    InspectionEngine.runInspectionOnFile(psiFile, toolWrapper, inspectionContext));

        for (final ProblemDescriptor problemDescriptor : problemDescriptors)
            final ProblemHighlightType problemHighlightType = problemDescriptor.getHighlightType();
            if (problemHighlightType == ProblemHighlightType.ERROR
                || problemHighlightType == ProblemHighlightType.GENERIC_ERROR
                || problemHighlightType == ProblemHighlightType.GENERIC_ERROR_OR_WARNING)
                final ProblemGroup problemGroup =
                if (null == problemGroup)
                    return Optional.empty();

                final String problemName = problemGroup.getProblemName();
                if (null == problemName)
                    return Optional.empty();

                return getNavigatable(project, problemName);

        return Optional.empty();



Could you please explain your usecase/scenario, from where and why do you need these results for?


Hello Yann Cebron,

Thanks for getting back to me.  I am trying to identify all Inspections that return a pre-selected severity, such as Error.  I would like to be able to get a list of those inspection results and the documents in which they occurred, so that I can put my own CompilerContext message in the Build view with the link to the inspection.

I would like to get the results from a document that has been subjected to inspection, whether that is a currently edited document or the result of a code analysis. 

I also need a way to determine if a document has undergone inspection, so as to not waste too much time processing something I don't need.

I don't have a preferred way of collecting the data I need, though it seems to me that if I were able to register listeners to inspections, that might work, assuming I can get a list of all active inspections in a project.  I understand that for BulkFileListeners that I have to check whether the event is for a document in the current project, so that might be similar.

I have had some limited success with a combination of MarkupModel, RangeHighlighter, and HighlightInfo on Documents, but it is somewhat sequence dependent, meaning background processes, such as inspections, need to be completed before I get valid information.

Is there a way to know when the background process of inspection has been completed?

I know I have asked more questions, but I hope I have given you enough information to help me out.

Thanks again for your time and assistance.


Sorry for delay. It seems it might be easier to use builtin EP com.intellij.openapi.compiler.util.InspectionValidator and provide logic from there what files and what inspections to run. Note that this has to enabled in Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Compiler | Validation


Thanks, Yann Cebron.  I'll look into that


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