Print the ref cursor results in a grid when running oracle stored procedures
When I run oracle store procedure, the out ref cursor results are not showing.
But the same thing is showing in sql developer and pl/sql developer.
Is there any option in datagrip?
I don't think datagrip features are not upto the market standard :(
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Sorry, could you please share a screenshot of what you mean by ref cursor from PL/SQL developer?
Most of my efforts in the db are spent creating procedures whose sole purpose is to provide data to a report which means the procedure returns an SYS_REFCURSOR.
In DG when you select to run a procedure it runs but for those that return an SYS_REFCURSOR you don't see the output. The expectation is that the REF_CURSOR is captured and the contents are displayed in a grid or at least you offer that ability to the end users when they choose to run the procedure.
When executed in Oracle SQL Developer for 2023 you get the results below:

When you select to run in that tool and others the following anon block is executed:
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DBE-6807 Database console should show results from PL/SQL functions (Oracle) that return cursors
Now in 2024 version, i can do it in function when explicit the return. How can i do it when i use procedure? like how to display P_REF_CURSOR in procedure :
create or replace PROCEDURE SP_RPT_SALES (
) ….
Please can you provide an example how you execute your procedure? Is it correct that the sys_refcursor doesn't output the the resultset data?
Hi, in past i did this to show my sys_refcursor in PROCEDURE (not function) :
Is there another way to achieve this? The DBE-6807 only handle with function not procedure.
Thank you!
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