Working on an ionCube project


I'm developing a bunch of modules for a software called WHMCS. The WHMCS code itself is encoded with ionCube, but my modules are not.
When working on a project in Phpstorm, I get a bunch of errors and warnings when I'm using classes and functions from the WHMCS code.

I've already configured my project with a PHP configuration that loads the ionCube Loader extension but that doesn't seem to solve my issue.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm a complete newbie with Phpstorm.

1 comment

Do you get "unresolved" errors in your code against the WHMCS objects? Generally, you need to have WHMCS stubs in your project (or elsewhere locally) for these errors to go away. Stubs here is a set of php files that describe WHMCS objects. 

I've checked if there are any on the web and looks like someone created these: Check if adding file into your project helps.


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