Updating SSH Interpreter copies all files
Whenever I change the SSH interpreter it copies all files from my laptop to the machine I ssh into. How do I disable that?
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You can disable the automatic upload in Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Deployment | Options -> Upload changed files automatically...
That does not stop PyCharm from uploading after having changed the interpreter.
Do you use the 2022.2.2 version?
It may be this known issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-55540/Unchanged-files-are-re-uploaded-on-project-reopening-and-their-permissions-are-changed-to-644
This could be it. I am running that version.
Try disabling Help | Find Action | Registry... and restarting PyCharm to confirm. Does it help?
I'm sorry, I already downgraded to 2022.1.4 where the problem does not occur.