how to disable multi-word-component-names eslint rule for vue components

I'm working on learning vue 3 and recently bought web storm as the ide to use.  I can't get it working if I have a single word component name because of the eslint rule for vue components - vue/multi-word-component-names.  What file(s) do I need to edit and what edit do I need to make to disable this rule?  Thanks.


In your package.json, change the "eslintConfig" to

"eslintConfig": {
    "root": true,
    "env": {
      "node": true
    "extends": [
    "parserOptions": {
      "parser": "@babel/eslint-parser"
    "rules": {"vue/multi-word-component-names": "off"}

Ah, that's where that was.  I was looking for an .eslintrc.js file and couldn't find one.  When I created one with that rule that worked fine but then I ran into a bunch of other "errors".  Thanks!


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