Unable to import table with more than 700 columns
Hi there,
I have a big table which actually has more than 700 columns. When I right-click import from file and select the file, table content doesn't map to the table, and it generates 0 rows. (screenshot below)
Then I extracted only a few columns to import as a test, it works fine.
Is there a setting for IntelliJ to limit the number of columns importing? Is there a way I could import this big file without splitting columns?
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Can you please collect the IDE logs (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data), upload it to https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ and provide its ID?
Hi Daniil,
Here is the ID: 2022_10_12_Q82DLTmgp6hXW1vBHn5UD4
Thank you for your help.
Is there a chance to update IntelliJ IDEA to the latest available version to see if it helps?
Thanks for the advice. I have updated to the latest version but the issue still remains. I've uploaded the new logs to the link provided - ID: 2022_10_16_w1UBr4RRZ2sbHfPwUKvAqs.
Would be appreciate if you could help look into it
I see the following error in the logs:
Can you upload a file example to https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ and share DDL of the table? It looks like it contains some specific entries which cause an exception.
I uploaded file example and DDL to the link provided. ID: 2022_10_21_Z6tMzHVezAAs5TJjF5F5pp.
This example table also causes the same error in the logs.
I see the actual error after reproducing it:
It is a known limitation of the JDBC PostgreSQL driver.
I've filled a new ticket on our tracker: DBE-16640.
Feel free to follow it.
Unfortunately, there are no workarounds except splitting the columns.