unhelpful open API warning
Yesterday, while attempting to commit changes to an api.yaml file, IntelliJ warned me about problems with $ref references.
Warning:(143, 11) Schema validation: Property '$ref' is not allowed
Warning:(144, 11) Schema validation: Property 'example' is not allowed
I consulted the swagger editor, which I trust more in this context, and it found no problems. (The api.yaml gets correctly digested by both the openapi code generator and other processes that need to parse it.)
1) Is there perhaps some kind of configuration I need to update?
2) Can I disable categories of warnings when, as in this case, they are unhelpful?
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I'm using
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-222.3345.118, built on July 26, 2022
Licensed to ...
Runtime version: 17.0.3+7-b469.32 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10 10.0
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Your API insists I choose a topic. The one I chose has "Open API" in it, though I am not doing Plugin Development and don't really know what this topic refers to.
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Hi Tim T Hanson Can you please provide yaml file example for the investigation? Thank you!
hi, Egor, sure. https://editor.swagger.io/ is perfectly happy with this api.yaml (a much scaled-down version of what we do):
but my IntelliJ warns when I try to commit it:
Warning:(29, 11) Schema validation: Property '$ref' is not allowed
Warning:(30, 11) Schema validation: Property 'example' is not allowed
Any updates here? I'm having same issue
It also shows the warning in the https://editor.swagger.io/ .