Sync changes to FTP in Pro Version of PHPStorm
Hi all,
I have a local copy of a Wordpress setup locally which I work on. I mainly work in specific sub-directories, namely the themes/ folder. Is there a QUICK way to sync / check and upload my locally done changes to a specific FTP server and only consider specific directories, e.g. only the Theme folder? Because if I don't do a selective sync, PHPStorm scans the full Wordpress installation which takes ages.
Or even better would be: Make PHPStorm remember which changes I did locally in which files and only upload / sync those to the remote FTP server..
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All of the mentioned scenarios are possible.
See Deployemnt feature:
And especially mappings tab
Thanks, that sounds great. Does it check the complete remote directory first, or can I set a local folder as "base" so that PHPStorm automatically remembers all my changes and automatically uploads those files to remote?
This way. All changed files could be uploaded on save:
There is a separate function "Sync" to compare files with remote first:
Really helpful, thanks so much!