TextMate bundles cannot be loaded - Ultimate 2022.2.1 to .4. How to fix?


Minor issue:

At one point during an exchange with support I was asked to upgrade to the then-Beta 2022.2.1 version.  From the beginning I kept getting error messages at startup telling me that the TextMate bundles toml, ipynb and git could not be loaded.   Since the IDE works, I ignored them, but a long time has passed, we are up to 2022.2.4 and I am still getting the errors, so I am suspecting that the issue is not because of "work in progress" but rather because it expects some setup steps that I did not know I should have performed.

QUESTION:  What steps do I need to take to correct the issue?  Or is this truly a work in progress matter that I should keep ignoring?



We have the same problem.
The Folger git and toml are not in this Folder:

C:\Program Files\IntelliJIDEA\plugins\textmate\lib\bundles

But selected in the settings:

It is included in the previous package ideaIU-2021.3.2.


Before following those instructions this is what shows when I start the IDE and before doing anything else (at every launch, not just the first one - different from the case you referenced):

Then I followed the steps you indicated, except for step 3 as all were already enabled by default and I'd never changed them.

Upon restart after taking those steps the behavior is the same, I moved the original idea.log to a different location so that a fresh one is created with just the latest start. I saved the new idea.log to send to you directly once you give me instructions (I am not comfortable including the full log in a public forum as it might contain private information).

The most relevant lines (mentioning TextMate or associated with DEBUG or WARN tags) are listed below.  toml is mentioned only in the "PluginManager - Loaded bundled plugins:" line, ipynb is not mentioned anywhere, and there are several git related entries in that PluginManager line as well as multiple entries in the log.  What is curious is that none of the bundles from the screenshot have errors or debug entries in the log.


2022-12-02 07:38:14,376 [    529]   INFO - #c.i.i.p.PluginManager - Loaded bundled plugins: Velocity (222.4459.24), JUnit (222.4459.24), Ktor (222.4459.24), HTML Tools (222.4459.24), Tomcat and TomEE (222.4459.24), Shared Project Indexes (222.4459.24), SSH Remote Run (222.4459.24), Spring Security (222.4459.24), Time Tracking (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Expression Language (EL) (222.4459.24), Integration Testing of Workspace Model (222.4459.24), Mercurial (222.4459.24), Terminal for Gateway (222.4459.24), Performance Testing (Dynamic Plugins) (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Web/Servlets (222.4459.24), TSLint (222.4459.24), Performance Testing (Kotlin) (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Bean Validation (222.4459.24), Eclipse Interoperability (222.4459.24), Groovy (222.4459.24), Java Stream Debugger (222.4459.24), Remote Development Gateway (222.4459.24), AOP Pointcut Language (222.4459.24), Shared Indexes (222.4459.24), Java Bytecode Decompiler (222.4459.24), Configuration Script (222.4459.24), Spring Cloud (222.4459.24), Visual Studio Keymap (222.4459.24), Quarkus (222.4459.24), FTP/SFTP/WebDAV Connectivity (ex. Remote Hosts Access) (222.4459.24), Smali Support (222.4459.24), GitHub (222.4459.24), Gradle-Java (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE Platform (222.4459.24), IntelliLang (222.4459.24), Project Wide Analysis (222.4459.24), Space (222.4459.24), com.intellij.dev (222.4459.24), Less (222.4459.24), Java Internationalization (222.4459.24), CSS (222.4459.24), Bytecode Viewer (222.4459.24), Android (2021.2.1 Final.222.4459.24), Reactive Streams (222.4459.24), EditorConfig (222.4459.24), IDE Features Trainer: Git Lessons (222.4459.24), Performance Testing (Gradle) (222.4459.24), Properties (222.4459.24), Haml (222.4459.24), NetBeans Keymap (222.4459.24), Package Search (222.4459.24), Windows 10 Light Theme (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Gradle Integration (222.4459.24), Gradle Extension (222.4459.24), Perforce Helix Core (222.4459.24), Git (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Persistence (JPA) (222.4459.24), Lombok (222.4459.24), Settings Repository (222.4459.24), Java IDE Customization (222.4459.24), Angular and AngularJS (222.4459.24), Grazie (222.4459.24), Spring Messaging (222.4459.24), Copyright (222.4459.24), GlassFish (222.4459.24), TextMate Bundles (222.4459.24), Gradle-Maven (222.4459.24), Spring Data (222.4459.24), Design Tools (222.4459.24), Spring Web (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Messaging (JMS) (222.4459.24), Endpoints (222.4459.24), Machine Learning Code Completion (222.4459.24), Qodana (222.4459.24), Diagrams (222.4459.24), Gherkin (222.4459.24), ZKM-Unscramble (222.4459.24), Eclipse Keymap (222.4459.24), Projector Libraries for Code With Me and Remote Development (222.4459.24), Kotlin (222-1.7.10-release-334-IJ4459.24), Thymeleaf (222.4459.24), JVM Microservices Frameworks (222.4459.24), JavaScript and TypeScript (222.4459.24), JavaScript Debugger (222.4459.24), ML in Search Everywhere for Microservices (222.4459.24), Toml (222.4459.24), YAML (222.4459.24), WSL File System Support (222.4459.24), Cucumber for Groovy (222.4459.24), XPathView + XSLT (222.4459.24), JavaScript Intention Power Pack (222.4459.24), Spring WebSocket (222.4459.24), Gradle Dependency Updater Implementation (222.4459.24), Project Wide Analysis for Java (222.4459.24), Plugin DevKit (222.4459.24), TestNG (222.4459.24), Terminal (222.4459.24), Cucumber for Java (222.4459.24), Spring Integration Patterns (222.4459.24), XSLT Debugger (222.4459.24), Node.js (222.4459.24), JetBrains maven model api classes (222.4459.24), com.intellij.tracing.ide (222.4459.24), Stylus (222.4459.24), HTTP Client (222.4459.24), Spring (222.4459.24), Dependency Structure Matrix (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) (222.4459.24), Database Tools and SQL (222.4459.24), Gradle DSL API (222.4459.24), IDE Settings Sync (222.4459.24), W3C Validators (222.4459.24), Maven (222.4459.24), WebP Support (222.4459.24), Performance Testing (Java) (222.4459.24), Java (222.4459.24), WSL Support Framework (222.4459.24), gRPC (222.4459.24), Shell Script (222.4459.24), Protocol Buffers (222.4459.24), Micronaut (222.4459.24), Refactor-X (222.4459.24), Maven Extension (222.4459.24), Images (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Server Pages (JSP) (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: WebSockets (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: Application Servers (222.4459.24), FreeMarker (222.4459.24), Persistence Frameworks (222.4459.24), Ant (222.4459.24), IDE Features Trainer (222.4459.24), UI Designer (222.4459.24), WildFly (222.4459.24), Package Checker (222.4459.24), Subversion (222.4459.24), Code With Me (222.4459.24), JavaFX (222.4459.24), IDEA CORE (222.4459.24), Gradle (222.4459.24), Spring Boot (222.4459.24), JetBrains Repository Search (222.4459.24), Hibernate (222.4459.24), Spring Initializr (222.4459.24), Machine Learning in Search Everywhere (222.4459.24), Markdown (222.4459.24), Sass (222.4459.24), Performance Testing (222.4459.24), Performance Testing (Maven) (222.4459.24), OpenAPI Specifications (222.4459.24), Code Coverage for Java (222.4459.24), Jakarta EE: RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) (222.4459.24), Settings Sync (222.4459.24), Docker (222.4459.24), Task Management (222.4459.24), Recommenders for Java and Python (222.4459.24)
2022-12-02 07:38:14,943 [   1096]   INFO - #c.i.d.DebugLogManager - Set DEBUG for the following categories: #org.jetbrains.plugins.textmate.TextMateService, org.jetbrains.plugins.textmate.TextMateService
2022-12-02 07:38:18,986 [   5139]   WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 228 ms to grab EDT for CWMTelephonyGroup#update@NavBarToolbar (com.jetbrains.rd.platform.codeWithMe.telephony.CWMTelephonyGroup)
2022-12-02 07:38:45,771 [  31924]   INFO - #o.j.k.i.s.r.KotlinCompilerReferenceIndexStorage - KCRI storage is closed (didn't exist)
2022-12-02 07:38:45,771 [  31924]   INFO - #c.i.c.b.CompilerReferenceServiceBase - backward reference index reader is closed (didn't exist)
2022-12-02 07:38:48,669 [  34822]   INFO - #o.j.k.i.s.r.KotlinCompilerReferenceIndexService - initialized
2022-12-02 07:38:48,672 [  34825]   WARN - #o.j.k.i.s.r.KotlinCompilerReferenceIndexStorage - kotlin-data-container is not found







You may use JetBrains Uploads Service: https://uploads.jetbrains.com to upload logs.


Uploaded, ID: 2022_12_05_E8BjSbMkgS9catX4fr9RYL



Strange, but no debug messages for TextMate. Could you please try to disable mentioned bundles, restart IDE, enabled them again and upload new log?


Done and uploaded:  Upload id: 2022_12_08_29SqAAVdX5jJKWFHuA21cc (file: idea.log)

The error popups went away when I disabled those bundles and returned when I re-enabled them. 

I don't know what functionality those bundles are supposed to provide, but since they are no loading I am going to disable them during regular work at least until we solve this.  I'll re-enabled them for the duration of any tests you ask me to do.



Seems those are custom bundles. Is it possible to attach them for investigation?


They came with the download, but certainly.  Where do I find them?


Location should be shown in "Settings | Editor | TextMate Bundles" near bundle name


That was what we needed to know.  Very strange.  I see the bundles listed under Settings/Editor/TextMateBundles and it gives a path to specific folders for each of those bundles but... the folders don't even exist!!!

I have no idea why those bundles are even listed if they are not part of the IDE, but clearly the fix is to either have them disabled (like I have them *now*) or to download them from "somewhere" and install them "somehow" :)

So, what do you think is the right step?  To leave them disabled or to download them (and if so from where and what is the procedure to add them?)


Those are custom bundles, so you may disable/remove them from the IDE.


I have the same problem in ultimate 2022.3.2


@Christian Haeussler  

Can you share ipynb bundle,toml bundle and git bundle? 

Where can I download these files?



Bundles for ipynb, toml and git are not included into latest versions of the IDEs. They can be extracted from the earlier versions of the TextMate plugin, but may not be compatible with versions 2022+.

Custom bundles can be downloaded from GutHub or elsewhere, and then imported into the IDE.

As for the notifications, they are shown because of this bug: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-279427


Consistently encountering the same error when attempting to open any solution in Rider IDE 2023.1.4... However, after unchecking these three options in the settings, the issues seem to go away.



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