Data Source Introspection Scope "All Schemas"
My DDEV Integration Plugin creates an auto configured data source for the database of the DDEV development environment.
A new feature request is asking for scanning "All schemas" by default (Enable 'All schemas' setting for generated data sources · Issue #122 · php-perfect/ddev-intellij-plugin (
Sadly I am not able to achieve this. My current code looks like this:
final TreePattern treePattern = new TreePattern(TreePatternUtils.create(ObjectName.NULL, ObjectKind.SCHEMA));
Sadly this introspection scope does only scan the default schema.
Checking the generated dataSources.local.xml settings file for "All Schemas" it looks like I need a negative pattern.
<node kind="schema" negative="1" />
I tried building TreePatternNode<TreePatternNode.NegativeNaming> instances, but without success.
Thanks in advance!
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Please try
This code excerpt helped me a lot, thank you Yann Cebron!