Custom live templates gone after 2022.3 update
I can't find my custom live templates in Settings and neither can I execute them.
I temporarily solved it in the following way:
sudo snap remove phpstorm
sudo snap install phpstorm --channel=2022.2/stable --classic
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Hi there,
Do you use Setting sync plugins? There is a chance that they may have not been copied over from 2022.2 config.
You seem to be on Linux. What folders do you have at ~/.config/JetBrains/PhpStorm2022.2 ?
They should be in templates folder. If you are syncing settings with JB account -- check for it in jb_config folder as well (or a very similarly named folder, I do not remember the exact name)
Ok. It seems that the templates were copied from:
But if I try to add a new template it saves in
and in
BTW. In 2022.2 I used a settings repository, which I think was configured this way:
Strangely, I can't find this option in 2022.3 anymore in Settings -> Tools.
@Krzysztof Wolowski
So you were using Settings Repository plugin
and not IDE Settings Sync plugin (that most ppl are happen to be using):
2022.3 has "deprecated" that plugin (not bundled by default). It now comes with Settings Sync plugin for such purposes.
This has happened a few times to me, again just now. Intellij IDEA (2023.2.1) lost the work I've put into creating a whole bunch of additional Rust Live Templates. "Settings Sync" was showing a red error mark just now, and as I was coding I noticed one of the recently added LTs not being there any more. This just super sucks. You guys are great at creating IDEs, but how can not losing the user's IDE configuration still be an issue today, when it's been a feature for years. I love and use many of your IDEs, but man this sucks, super frustrating.
Denis, were you able to recover your live templates from the previous versions' config directory?