cross database queries
I'm looking to use DG to join data from Snowflake and Impala or Hadoop. I can't see how I can do this as the job is sent to the DB to run the query. Is there any work arounds or hold the data/table in memory to use across sessions?
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This functionality isn't available in DataGrip. However, we have touched on this topic for specific database engines here:
This has resulted in a feature request. You can go ahead and upvote and add your suggestions to the thread so that it can get more attention.
SEO SPAM in the comment above by Marlynrasavong. Check other posts from this author.
You can be done it by
This example illustrates a method to transfer data from one database into a memory-optimized table in a different database.
Create Test Objects. Execute the following Transact-SQL in SQL Server Management Studio. C4Yourself
Attempt cross-database query.
Create a memory-optimized table type.
Re-attempt the cross-database query.