Multipass -> SSH interpreter using shared directory

As Apple came up with the M2 chips, vagrant instantly became somewhat absolute.
In our development environment we replaced the use of virtualbox/vagrant with multipass relying even more on Ansible for provisioning our environment. It took a while to get this to work correctly but we are actually happy with the result... apart from the integration with PyCharm ;(

Trying to make the remote interpreter to work over ssh results in endless and unnecessary background-tasks and synchronisations. Previous versions of PyCharm allowed you to select a shared directory or do some path mappings in order to map to the right files.
Yet this functionality seems to be removed in favor of presets for vagrant and docker, and as multipass is missing I am stuck with something that doesn't really seem to work.

Is there any solution for this. any way of getting this to work?

1 comment
Could you please clarify the issue? Is the only reason why you can't use the SSH interpreter an inability to setup path mappings for deployment? 
When creating an SSH interpreter in 2022.3, you can set which directory to sync
So I'm a bit confused about the real issue. 

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