Fail in applying "Ctrl + /" for comment with line comment
I already set Ctrl + / to be the key map of Comment with Line Comment, however when I using window to click Ctrl + /, it added ... instead of commenting the line, it works when I click Ctrl + NumPad /, may I ask how can I solve it?
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First of all, please disable all custom plugins, go to **File | Settings | Plugins** click the gear icon and choose "Disable all downloaded plugins", to avoid third-party affection.
Will it make any difference? What keymap layout do you use?
I disabled all custom plugins and no difference, since it is newly download on my new computer.
I am using Windows copy layout of the keymap.
>I am using Windows copy layout of the keymap.
I mean the system language layout, is it english?
Please upload
logs folder zipped from ***Help | Collect logs and Diagnostic Data*** to the FTP and please let me know the filename.
The system langauage layout is not English.
Upload ID: 2022_12_22_pEMqCqdiTnDTK8QmFommqi (file:
Thank you so much.
>The system langauage layout is not English.
There is a general problem with non-english keyboards layouts. Please see and feel free to vote in order to be notified about any updates.
Does it work with English language?
It works, thanks!