【NoClassDefFoundError】 create dialog class An error occurred while using this class
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It's impossible to diagnose this via screenshots. Somehow your FigmaInputDialog class is either not compiled or not deployed in the sandbox instance correctly. Try to rebuild the project.
I found the reason for this problem. If I choose Kotlin when creating the project, this problem will occur. If I choose java, this problem will not occur. I think this is a serious bug. You can create a demo project to reproduce this problem.
More info: I created a plugin project targeting Android studio Below is the gradle file (when choose java )
You may try something like this repo to compile the UI designer forms to Java classes in Gradle:
However, I didn't try to mix it with Gradle IntelliJ Plugin yet...
You can't use Kotlin with Form Designer. Use Kotlin UI DSL instead. https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/using-kotlin.html#ui-forms-in-kotlin